KonChus Kulture+Living believes strongly in the healing benefits of incorporating Cannabis into one’s daily life-style.
Be it for pain management, chronic symptoms, ailments, self exploration, or stress relief, we are here to help.
KonChus Kulture+Living is the culmination of several iterations of the KonChus brand founded in 2008 by Chef-Alchemist CM Street “Lord Oasis75”. He sought to develop a process to de-texturize raw plant materials into raw soluble solutions.
After a few years of experimentation and refinement, the “Liquification” method or process was born.
After the passing of the “Compassionate Use Act” in 2015, the company began to focus on restructuring for the developing legalized industry.

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We pledge to always place the needs and well-being of our patients and clients first.
We promise to always provide the freshest, healthiest, most delicious and organic, holistically prepared foods and pain management alternatives. Made exclusively with our proprietary “Liquification” method.
For those suffering with chronic conditions or ailments such as:
• Epileptic Effects • PTSD/Various Anxieties • Cancer Treatments
• HIV/AIDS patients • Bipolar/Manic Depressions • Chronic Arthritis
• Various Eczema • Food Allergies • Dietary Conditions
After a brief hiatus in 2019, the company reemerged and now operates as KonChus Kulture+Living with three subdivisions of manufacturing and production:
KonChus Foods | KonChus Essentials | KonChus Apparel
It’s been a long journey, but there’s still so much more work to do and so many more lives to help.